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Korean Sangmyung University visit to our collegeApril 13, 2016

On 30th March, Director of International Affairs Office, Professor Quan Huishu, and Ms. Cui Mingshu, Professor from Chinese language and literature department in Sangmyung University, South Korea, have paid a visit to our college. President Prof. Xia Ping, Vice President Prof. Huang Xiaoping, Director of International Affairs Office, and Ms. Zhang Xiaoqian have welcomed them warmly.

Firstly, Sangmyung professors have visited our college’s history museum, school of dying, Shu-Embroidery center, School of Fashion Design as well as ancient furniture museum with great interest. During their visit, Prof. Huang Xiaoping and Mr. Tong Xiaohui have interpreted the whole manufacturing procedure of Shu Embroidery and historical background of ancient furniture in the Ming- and Qing’s dynasty.

In the following conference, college president, Prof. Xia Ping has greeted them with a warm welcome. Director of International Affairs Office, Prof. Quan Huishu has briefly introduced general information of Sangmyung University. She has pointed out, aside from developing design ability, Sangmyung University also emphasizes the manufacturing procedure. Two design concepts constitute core of Sangmyung University: One is the combination between international element and world advanced element; the other is the integration of industry chain.

College vice president, Prof. Huang Xiaoping said, different from Sangmyung University, apart from fashion design, our college requires students to possess rudimentary knowledge of product manufacturing. Sangmyung University’s students can come to our college to have a study tour or long-time overseas study, to have deeper understanding of professional knowledge for textile manufacturing. Furthermore, Ms. Quan Huishu also welcomes our college’s students to visit South Korea, so that students can have better understanding for Korean culture and language.

In the end, our college leaders and school directors are looking forward to have deeper cooperation with Sangmyung University under good political environment between China and South Korea.

E-mail: cdtcwsb@163.com
Address: No.186. Taishan south street.Xipu. Chengdu. Sichuan. China